Adolescent Psychology Quiz Question Answers

  • a. Adolescence – Nature and Characteristics- Methods of studying Adolescents – Principles of development – Role of Heredity and Environment on development – Developmental needs – Physiological, Intellectual, Language, Emotional and Social. Developmental tasks.
  • b. Problems of adolescence – Identity crisis, Underachievement, Peer Pressure, Substance Abuse, Delinquency, Health Problems, Adjustment Mechanisms – Challenges and Remedies.
  • c. Developmental theories – Piaget, Bruner, Freud, Erikson, Kohlberg – Special reference to adolescence – Classroom implications

[mtouchquiz 943]

Teaching Aptitude Awareness


Psychology of Development and Learning Model Papers


1. Of the following, who is associated with the Gestalt school of psychology?
a. Ivan Pavlov
b. B.F. Skinner
c. C. Max Wertheimer
d. J.B. Watson
2. “I am primarily interested in thinking processes; I am a __________ psychologist.”
a. Cognitive
b. Behaviourist
c. Structuralist
d. Functionalist
3. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” is represented by which of the following?
a. Behaviourist
b. Structuralist
c. Gestalt Psychologist
d. Humanist
4. Which of the following is a definition of Educational Psychology?
a. Science of education
b. Science of behaviour
c. Science of teacher and learner
d. Study of learning experiences

5. The goals of Psychology are:
a. Explain the functioning of the human mind.
b. Compare, analyze, and control human behaviour
c. Describe, predict, understand, and control behavior.
d. develop effective methods of psychotherapy

6. Psychiatrists differ from psychologists in that psychiatrists
a. Are physicians with a specialization in abnormal behaviour and psychotherapy
b. Are extensively trained in the theories and techniques of Sigmund Freud
c. Are generally more eclectic than psychologists
d. Have a Masters or Ph.D. degree with special training in psychological theory and research methods.

7. The “father” of psychology and founder of the first psychological laboratory was
a. William James
b. J.B. Watson
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Willhem Wundt

8. Which of the following is the best method to study the characteristics of an individual by others
a. Observation
b. Case study
c. Experiment
d. Introspection

9. When a teacher identifies a problem behaviour among students, he can provide the necessary solution by using:
a. Guidance
b. Consulting with other teachers
c. Action research
d. Survey

10. Psychology is considered a science because it
a. Gains information through new methods and technology.
b. Accepts what seems plausible and sensible.
c. Relies on direct observation and measurement of behavior.
d. Studies animal as well as human behaviour.

11. Educational Psychology does not discuss:
a. Who is to be educated?
b. What is to be taught?
c. How is to be taught?
d. Why is to be taught?

12. Which of the following is not true?
a. Growth is not a continuous process
b. Growth can be measured
c. Growth is part of development
d. Growth is wider than development

13. Which of the following is true?
a. Growth and development are same
b. Development is predictable
c. Individual develops in a linear manner
d. All individuals develop in uniform rate

14. For finding the impact of a factor on an individual, which of the following
methods can be used?
b. Observation
d.Clinical method

15. What is meant by learning situation?
a. Teaching content
b. Classroom
c. Appropriate learning experiences
d. Congenial environment for bringing learning among students

16. What is the main advantage of using an experiment?
a. they are easy to do
b. They can be done quickly
c. It permits the researcher to control factors involved
d. They allow sampling of subjects

17. Where was the first Psychology Lab started?
a. Berlin
b. Boston
c. Frankfurt
d. Leipzig

18. The oldest method in psychology is
a. Introspection.
b. Observation,
c. Case study.
d. Clinical method.

19. The content of educational psychology includes
a. Special items concerning teaching and learning.
b. Wide ranging items concerning human motivation and learning.
c. Special items concerning processes of education in particular.
d. None of these.

20. The primary task of the teacher is
a. To teach the prescribed curriculum.
b. To stimulate and guide student learning.
c. To promote habits of conformity to adults demands and expectations.
d. To provide diagnostic and remedial aid wherever indicated.

21. Which of the following is not true?
a. Development is the product of heredity and environment.
b. Development is cumulative
c. Development is unique
d. None of the above

22. Piaget emphasizes that
a. Development is sequential
b. Maturation precedes learning
c. Individual constructs knowledge
d. All the above

23. An individual attains reversible thinking ability at
a. Sensory motor stage
b. Pre operational stage
c. Concrete operational stage
d. Formal operational stage

24. The idea that one person is able to attain mastery development only through their interactions with more competent others was put forward by
a. Jean Piaget
b. Lev Vygotsky
c. Erick Erickson
d. Urie Bronfenbrenner

25. Which of the following systems refers to the connections among different groups like family, school, peer group etc.
a. Meso system
b. Macro system
c. Chrono system
d. Exo system

26. Which of the following statement is correct
a. Educational Psychology is the science of behavior
b. Introspection is the right method to study the behavior of a child
c. Experimental method in Psychology do not control variables
d. One of the aims of Educational Psychology is to measure student behavior

27. The concept of metacognition includes learners’ knowledge and beliefs regarding their own cognitive processes, as well as their attempts to regulate those cognitive processes to
a. Minimize learning and memory
b. Maximize learning only
c. Maximize learning and memory
d. Minimize memory only

28 Sensation and perception is mostly concerned with
a. Behaviourists
b. Constructivists
c. Cognitivists
d. Physiologists

29. Which among the following is not a precondition for learning?
a. Maturation
b. Attention
c. Readiness
d. Concepts

30. Socio cultural context in learning is emphasized by
a. Noam Chomsky
b. David Ausubel
c. Robert M. Gagne
d. Lev Vygotsky

31. The ability to deal with hypothetical concepts emerges at which stage of development.
a. Concrete operational stage.
b. Formal operational stage.
c. Intuitive stage.
d. Pre operational stage.

7. A teacher selects certain kinds of learning experiences by exploring the natural tendency of children. Which factor is most relevant here?
a. Achievement motivation
b. Intrinsic motivation
c. Extrinsic motivation
d. Level of aspiration

33. Who used the term n-ach in motivation
a. Abraham Maslow.
b. Erickson.
c. Piaget.
d. David Mc Cleland

35. According to discovery approach, a preoperational child possess which mode of representation
a. Enactive
b. Iconic
c. Symbolic
d. Behavioural

36 A child who excel in Science subjects by applying mathematical skills is associated with
a. Logical mathematical intelligence
b. Mnemonics
c. Positive transfer
d. Reasoning

Learner in the Psychological Perspective

1. What should happen if a student’s misbehavior is minor but interferes with other student’s learning?
a. Confer with parents
b. Have a private discussion with student
c. Ignore the behavior
d. Cue the student

2. Which among the following is most likely to be identified as having a learning disability?
a. Gets tired very easily and must often stop to rest in the middle of an assignment
b. Has trouble reading despite a recently obtained IQ score of 110
c. Prefers to play with younger children and demonstrates low achievement in all areas of the school curriculum
d. Often stutters when she’s called on in class

3. Experts recommend three of the following strategies for teaching students who are gifted. Which strategy do they NOT necessarily recommend?
a. Individualize instruction for students’ specific talents
b. Forming study groups of students with similar abilities
c. Focusing instruction only on the areas in which students are weaker
d. Providing opportunities for independent study

4. Acting childishly is an example for:
a. Reaction formation.
c. Repression.
d. Suppression

5. The concept of Divergent and Convergent thinking was introduced by:
a. Bruner.
b. Cattel.
c. Guilford.
d. Thorndike.

6. Which among the following is the most cohesive group?
a. Crowd
b. Classroom
c. Family
d. Association

7. A teacher helps one student in overcoming his inability to interact within a group. The teacher uses:
a. Scaffolding
b. Guidance
c. Counseling
d. Group dynamics

8. Which among the following is the most appropriate theory of personality?
a. Skinner’s theory
b. Maslow’s theory
c. Eysenck’s theory
d. Kohlberg’s theory

9. Rorschach’s ink blot test is an example of
a. Objective test
b. Subjective test
c. Diagnostic test
d. Projective test

10. Which among the following is not related to learning disabled children?
a. RTE Act
b. PWD Act
c. RTI Act
d. RCI Act